Hi, guys,

here is the situation;
If I beam an application using palm's default launcher,
and the receiving device already has that application,
the following is the normal procedure.

 -> "Do you want to accept *** into applications?"
 -> "The *** application already exists. 
       Do you want to replace it with the one
       you are about to receive?"

I need this exact behavior, so that users can replace the
application with new one.

however, when I beam the application by the function
copied from the example application in the knowledge base,
it failed to do so, just displaying.

 -> "Error: Database already exists (0x0219)"

It works flawlessly when there is no duplicated application,
but only fails to ask user for overwriting if the app already exists.
Do you have any idea on how to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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