Dear subscribers.

I've recently ran into a problem using CW 7.1. In the project I'm currently
working on I have a template-based class to perform some operations needed.
Since the CW, and most other compilers, doesn't support to put the
implementation for a template in a .cpp file I have both the definition and
the implementation put in a .h file.

If I have the "smart" in-line option enabled some of the templates functions
get in-lined in the code. It's nothing wrong with that but the problem is
that I found that I can't debug those functions. It's not possible to step
into them and if I set a break point the execution isn't halted. If I turn
off in-lining the debugging works as expected.

I would like to know if this is a known problem and if it's fixed in CW 8?

Kind regards, Ola Theander

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