Below is a listed on my code that will put a number in
a text field and display a Dialog Form.  The form
displays right and the user can enter the new number
but on the way back drow shows the right number in the
debugger but return_drow gets set to 3 and
return_weight gets set to 0

Can someone please help

static void     displayRowOptions()
    Char drow[5];
    Char return_drow[5];
        UInt16 buttonHit;
        UInt16 reps = 0;
        UInt16 level = 0;
        UInt16 weight = 0;
        UInt32 return_weight = 0;
        FormPtr frmP;

        frmP = FrmGetActiveForm(); 
        FormType *form;
        form = FrmInitForm(InputDataForm);
        reps = getMyReps(RestartPrep.row);
        level = getMyLevel(RestartPrep.row);
        weight = getMyWeight(RestartPrep.row);
        StrPrintF(drow, "%d", weight);
        SetFieldTextFromStr( inputDataWeightField, drow);
        buttonHit = FrmDoDialog(form);
        FieldPtr fld1P = (FieldPtr)FrmGetObjectPtr( form,
FrmGetObjectIndex( form,inputDataWeightField));
        StrCopy(drow, FldGetTextPtr( fld1P ) );
        StrPrintF( return_drow, "%d", drow);    
        return_weight = StrAToI(return_drow);


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