Hi Max.

BTW, This is a question for Palm Communication forum
so you might wait for ages here.

What beamer you refer to ? Exchange Manager, IR library ?

I doubt that you can use Exchange Mgr for beaming to a non-Palm PC,
because its OS does not undestand ExcMgr requests.

As to IR library: anyway you need two different applications
for the target PC type, so that you can reserve a particular byte
in IRDeviceInfo for PC type, and analyze it before sending. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Max Bian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, 25 November 2001 1:18 AM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Discover beam recipent

 Is there a way to figure out if the recipent is a windows PC, or another
PDA from palm API calls?  I need to do this, or I have to have 2 different
items/buttons for user to choose.



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