"Michael Glickman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> This is the third question posted this morning.
> I was unlucky with previous two, hopefully
> I am going to get an asnwer this time.
> A launcher colour scheme is different for
> dbg and non-dbg ROMs. As it was mentioned,
> it might be a hint that we can't rely on
> standard launcher colour scheme. Is there
> any thing else behind that ?

The debug scheme is designed so you can make sure your application
correctly follows the system colors.  On a release device, some system
colors have the same value, even though they are logically distinct.
The debug ROMs put different colors into all the values so you can tell
when you're using the right one.

> And I really couldn't find a way to modify
> launcher colours.

Modifying the color tables is done through the
UIColorGetTableEntryIndex, UIColorGetTableEntryRGB, and
UIColorSetTableEntry APIs.  If you're drawing something that should
match the standard UI, you should get your drawing colors using these

> If I knew where the launcher keeps its colour
> preferences, I could make a colour scheme
> editor (a few-hour work), and this will be
> really cool !

There already are some color scheme editors.  Chrome
(http://www.twinkletwinkle.com/) is probably the best known.

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