>From the recently posted Palm OS User Interface Guide
(Ch. 7, Scrollers):


------------ begin quote ------------

System Supplied Behavior 

Palm OS ensures the following: 

- The button highlights while it is being pressed.

- The scroll buttons don't appear until there's more
than a screenful of information to display. 

- The up arrow is grayed out when the first screenful
is displayed. 

- The down arrow is grayed out when the last screenful
is displayed. 

------------ end quote ------------

Is there anything in PalmOS other than the
FrmUpdateScrollers() API?  At least in my application,
my code is (essentially) determining whether each of
the scrollers is needed, and then calls
FrmUpdateScrollers(), which decides how to render them
(greyed out, enabled, not at all).  Seems to me the UI
Guidelines give too much credit to Palm OS ;-)

(by the way, I find the UI Guidelines to be a very
useful and well-written document).


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