Hi everyone,

I'm developing an app in C++ with PRC tools.5. I have an inheritance
hierarchy that works fine until I add a third inherited class. Then, when I
try to use 'new' with one of the derived classes, I get an 'invalid opcode'
from the emulator. It looks something like this:

class BaseClass { ... };
class Derived1 : public BaseClass { ... };
class Derived2: public BaseClass { ... };

This works fine - I can use 'new Derived1' and 'new Derived2' without any
trouble (BaseClass is abstract and cannot be instantiated on its own).

When I add the following:

class Derived3: public BaseClass { ... };

calls to 'new Derived1', 'new Derived2' and 'new Derived3' all give me an
'invalid opcode' message from the emulator. As soon as I get rid of the
third derived class, eveything works fine. As far as I can trace, the bug
seems occur in the new operator itself, because control isn't even getting
to my base-class constructor.

Has anyone come across this before? Is it a known bug? Is there a way around

Thanks in advance,
Igor Siemienowicz

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