Danny Epstein,

The "cleaning up" dialog used during HotSync is for most users  in the
Netherlands not that interesting. I tell them in there language what will
happen. After pressing the OK button they can take a break.

After advice of a reader I use InsertionSort instead of QuickSort to keep my
database in order.
I tried to "tell" my appl. that there have to be a sorting by adding a last
record with that information. I got constant errors reading record

Now my appl. tests for the existance of a dummyDB.
I can use the dummy db the way you suggested but the modified records are
already in sorted order, the new records not.
It takes about 17 seconds to add a new record. I think that in the insertion
proces new records already will be shifted forwards. Ten new records will
not take 10 * 17 seconds but much less.
The are max. 4 new records and 60 modified records on a total of 11 k.
I don't think that using the second database will speed up things, but thank
you for your advice.

Cor Jansen

> My appl uses considerable time sorting records after a hotsync.
> I like to inform the user about what is happening.
> I want to use an alert.

The HotSync app has its own progress dialog that shows "Cleaning up" while
it does the sysAppLaunchCmdSyncNotify launches. Putting up your own dialog
on top of HotSync's dialog would probably look weird.

You might want to see if you can optimize the post-HotSync sort.

First, make sure you're using insertion sort, not quick sort. Insertion sort
is faster when the data is mostly sorted. This will be the case when the
conduit made only minor changes to a large database.

There is a harder, but even faster alternative. You could put new and
modified records in a separate database. After HotSync completes, your app
can sort this separate database and then merge it into the main database.
Danny @ PalmSource

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