In article <83500@palm-dev-forum>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> Hi Heather
> The IDE does not change at all - the run window still looks as if it is
> running and there is nothing in the log window.  The only clue is that
> the app on the device is hung.  I can run the application again only if
> I stop the debugger (Shift-F5) and reset the device manually.  This
> happens both with specific breakpoints and if the app is set to stop at
> PilotMain().

This sounds like a problem with your serial port.  Here's an idea: go to 
Control Panel/System on XP, bring up the device manager, then bring up 
the properties of your COM port.  Under Port Settings, check to see if 
it matches

    57600 bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, hardware flow control

I think our software should be setting the port correctly, but perhaps 
there's an issue.  BTW, since you have the V8 demo on your system, you 
could try using a USB cradle for debugging too.

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