
I am almost sure that there is something is the OS which forces the need for
a d1 bitmap but I can't remember. I guess I should check. That's the reason
why I put this warning in PilRC (because _I_ (and Renaud) know the pain it
has been :-) to add HDB to pilrc)

Your trick (using dummy) would work but you app would not produce the
expected result on a non HiRes device, since the OS would display the dummy


Regis NICOLAS - Engineering Director, Montpellier Site
Palm Computing Europe, a PalmSource, Inc. subsidiary
When the finger points to the sky, the idiot looks at the finger.

-----Original Message-----
From: r. zane rutledge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 8:31 PM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Re: PILRC 2.9 BitmapFamilyEx Density 2

Aaron Ardiri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   you know what a pain in the a** it was to get hi-density into pilrc? ;P 

Hey, I didn't mean to be ungrateful! I mean, I love the fact that PILRC
got updated at all! Don't get me wrong. I was just giving some feedback
as I knew it wasn't "final".... After using it very well for weeks, and
very nicely for many many families, I'm finding some limitations based
mostly on 64K limits, and thought I'd throw them at the PILRC folks.

But thanks, thanks for the fine tool! It's awesome. GCC/PILRC/ETC rules! ;-P

>   just create a family, with only one bitmap inside it :) same thing.
>   the BITMAP, BITMAPGREY etc are just convenience tags..
> ...
> BITMAPFAMILY ID 1000 "" "mybitmap.bmp"
>   see the pattern? :)

But Aaron, if I do this:

   BITMAP "bitmap_doubledensity.bmp" BPP 8 DENSITY 2

I get an error: "BitmapFamilyEx must have at least one bitmap with
density 1."

And a 

BITMAPCOLOR ID 1000 "bm_dd.bmp" DENSITY 2

doesn't recognize the token DENSITY. Of course.

So I don't see how this "trick" gives me a double-density bitmap by itself.

(That said, I *have* figured out how to create a V3 BITMAP buffer and
force a non-Density2-tagged bitmap into it, thus making it "hi-res", but
it's so much nicer if it's tagged double-density to begin with as a
resource, and just renders correctly from the get-go. IMHO.)

Regis Nicolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The OS does not support bitmap families with only DENSITY 2 bitmaps in it.

Really? Okay...Well, Owen Emry implied in an email that he didn't think
this was an OS limitation. But maybe it is. I'll just have to do my
dummy gag with a 1 pixel bitmap and waste 18 bytes then. Ah well.

   BITMAP "dummy.bmp" BPP 1 DENSITY 1
   BITMAP "bitmap_doubledensity.bmp" BPP 8 DENSITY 2

In practice, I suspect if anyone is doing detailed full-screen graphics,
they will quickly be unable to package a single bitmap family "together"
and will have to "tile" them in multiple resources. In this case,
there's probably going to be lots of "dummy" DENSITY 1 bitmaps.

r. zane rutledge -

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