Another thing that was glossed over is that if possible, you might want to
avoid having 2000 records in a DB. While it will work fine, it can lead to
long sync times (especially on DB creation). I'm not sure it's feasible in
your case, but consider having more than one data-record per Palm record.
This will of course create issues with sorting, etc, but if you're concerned
about Hotsync time (like you implied), you might consider it.

> Hi everybody!
> I'll start to write a program that will access a database with 2000
> My problem is that i don't know which  is the fastest mecanism than Palm
> has to do this.
> My database will have these fields:
> Code,Product,Embal,Value
> Sometimes,I'll need to find a record using the Code, another time, using
> Product name. Which function can I use to search into a database and
> me the record index or the record unique id in less than a second, without
> creating indexes tables that will make my hotsync time increase from 2 to
> 6 minutes?
> If i should make some changes into my db structure (like sort a column),
> please tell me the better way to improve performance

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