I do this by posting an event to myself simulating that a button was
pressed. Works quite well.


Richard Coutts wrote:
> >> I have a generic dialog function for instantiating my dialog and for
> >> registering my handler.  It works great, except that I want to add the
> >> behaviour that if the user taps outside of the area of the dialog, the
> >> dialog closes.
> > By making it detect taps outside the bounds, it should
> > be easy enough to make them effectively press the cancel button. I'd go
> for
> > this approach since your code is already set up to use FrmDoDialog with
> your
> > own event handler.
> I like this approach.  I've modified my dialog so that it takes up the whole
> screen (even though the buttons are clustered in a corner -- that way, my
> handler gets all of the penDown- and penUpEvents.)   My only question now
> is, what's the simplest, most graceful way to return form FrmDoDialog
> without having the user tap a button?  I looked for a FrmCloseForm, but the
> closest I found was FrmCloseAllForms.
> ~Rich

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