I think that the question that you should be asking is "why do you want to
run Code Warrior on a Palm device"? What is the requirement that you are
trying to meet?

I can see 3 different possibilities for what you're trying to do:

1 - Run specific PC applications on a Palm device because you want that
specific applications' features on the palm. i.e. a compiler

2 - Have an ultra-portable device that has the power of a 'server'. 

3 - Implement a compiler (or other app) on Palm so that you can use it on
the Palm platform.

To address each of these:

1 - This is, basically, impossible. Just as it is impossible to run a
Windows application on a Mac (or even a PC running linux), it is impossible
to run them on Palms. A Windows application is delivered as a windows
executable file. It contains intel x86 instructions, and calls to Windows'
system calls. The instructions will not work on either the 68000 chip, or
the ARM chips because they are different instruction sets. The Windows
system calls are not on the Palm (becuase it runs palmos). 

Some machines are able to emulate the behaviour of other machines via
software called an emulator. There are no Windows emulators available for
Palm OS at this time. The reasons for this is that the palm has a smaller
screen, no file system (and about a million other deficencies when compared
to the PC) that software cannot compensate for. I doubt that there will ever
be any such emulator for palm OS.

2 - This is entirly possible (unless you're talking about a *really* high
end server). It just costs alot more money than a Palm does. The Palm
platform is geared towards *personal use*. Not as a server. Making a Palm
that had the power of a Sparc III or P III or whatever would probably be
possible for Palm to do. But the development cost of such a product would be
*enormous*. The demand would be tiny (what is the point?), and the on shelf
cost would be astronomical, it just doesn't make economic sense. Remember
also that most server applications require high uptime, using a Palm size
device with a portable power supply, that can be dropped into water or
whatever is not right. 

If you *really* need portable server arrangment on this kind of scale, that
a look at tadpole:


Sparc workstations in a laptop.

3 - The only sane idea here. If you want a compiler/IDE on your Palm, then
write one. One that has only the features that you want (I mean, do you
*really* want to write all your code in graffiti?). 

I believe that there are already one or two products like this.

In answer to your other questions:

1 - Palm OS is the most mature Palm top platform afaik. It isn't designed to
handle these kind of apps, because adding that kind of power would not make
for a popular product due to the increased cost that would be passed to the
customer (of which there would be few in this instance).

2 - None of the compeditors are binary compatible with any desktops afaik.
They too suffer under the same engineering and economic realities as Palm.

In conclusion, it is possible to do somthing like this if you really want to
IMHO. But the cost of such an engineering effort will be large enough to
make it an unreasonable undertaking. If you were going to Mars and you
needed a server for the astronauts to check their mail on while they're
space walking, but it needs to fit into a lander, then *mabye* (just mabye)
you might have a requirement that is best suited to the kind of platform
that you are suggesting, and *mabye* you'll have enough money to build one,
instead of spending it on more useful hardware (like rockets). 

It doesn't sound like you're working for NASA to me ;) 

In future you should probably phrase your questions with real-life examples
of what you are trying to achieve. "A server" is a pretty vague requirement.

-----Original Message-----
From: Irfan Mumtaz Sheikh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 August 2002 08:50
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Re: Palm as a Server

thnks for the responses on "Palm as A Server"

and i have go the answers for the questions. Well, we cant say that their is
no need to run the big application (more than 16
mb) on Palms. It is because we cant do it, that is why  think it is not
possible. In future i percieve we need  it :)

1. Does this mean that Palm OS in itself isnst enough mature to handle them?
Has it something to do with the processor speed as well ?

2. What about the other Palm OS competetors, how far can they handle the

Thank again...

Markus Dresch wrote:

> > 1. Can we use a Palm as a server ?
> > at least cater the request of  5-6 Palms at a time.
> it would maybe be possible but i suppose you gotta design your own
> for that (cable?)
> > 2. Can we run an application like Code Warrior (say a demo version only
> MB) on Palm. It might sound ridiculous but i am
> > intereted in knowing where  are the limitation?
> > (a) what changes do we need to bring in Palm (b) what changes need to be
> brought about in an application that rums on it.
> "only" 36 MB? lol. have you ever seen a palm? have you ever read it's
> i've got a palm m515, that's a new one and it's got 16 MB. some people
> talk about 32 mb palms, maybe some sony or whatever, because afaik the
> os <v5 do not handle more than 16 mb of ram.
> even if it could handle gigabytes, we're still on the palm os platform.
> that's got nothing to do with windows/linux/mac. you just cant simply copy
> and paste your desktop applications there and run them. palm os doesnt
> have a real filesystem iykwim.
> > 3. Lastly were from can get in the information about current limitation
> Palm in terms of running the huge application
> > software. which need very large disk space.
> well, i suggest you get yourself a server powered by some pentium IV 2000
> processor or equivalent, with a big harddisk and lots of ram. then you
> install m$win 2000 on it or linux or freebsd or whatever you prefer and
> copy your huge app on it and connect it to the www. then you can access it
> from wherever you want.
> if you know what we're talking about: a palm is a small device you can
> around with you. btw, same thing for pocket pcs running win ce, sharp
> running linux and dying psions running epoc.
> Markus Dresch (www.palmside.com)
> --
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