Steve Mann wrote:
> I've been doing essentially the same thing for months on the
> VisorPhone, and now the Treo, and it works fine. The only difference
> is that I only set the acknowledge field to true if it's my message.
> Otherwise I leave it alone (i.e., don't set it to false). Perhaps the
> acknowledge field has some other value in there already that needs to
> remain intact in order for the default handling to work OK.
Leaving it as it is seems to work fine. All SMS I don't want are now
going to the default SMS app. 

Now I've just gotta get round the problem that I want my app kicked off
by the gsm event (when the app isn't the active one). But half of it is
coded in global variables :o(

I'll get the hang of this PalmOS programming at some point........

Thanks for your help.


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