I'm tryigng to read the first record of a databse.... i tried many tims ad nothing work..
can someno explain me how to do that
statrting form open the databse.. i'm new on palm programing

i dit this:

img = DmOpenDatabaseByTypeCreator('IMGD','MOST',dmModeReadWrite);

// Get a handle for the first record.
recHandle = DmGetRecord(img, 0);
// Lock down the handle and get a pointer to the record data.
recbyte = MemHandleLock(recHandle);
// Allocate a new memory chunk that will contain a copy of the data.
newHandle = MemHandleNew(StrLen(recbyte) + 1);
// Lock down the handle and get a pointer to the memory chunk.
memrec = MemHandleLock(newHandle);
// Copy the data from the record to the new memory chunk.
StrCopy(memrec, recbyte);
// Unlock the new memory chunk.

it was suposed to get all the first record in the memory area handled by memrec...

can somenone tell me how to do that??
cause i need to read the record byte by byte

thnx a lot

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