At 18:36 2002-12-10 +0100, you wrote:
Thanks Ben, you've solved my first problem. It's a bit tricky ;)

Concerning my second problem, in fact, Tools.cpp has it's own header,
Tools.h, which contains
all functions prototyping. But if I include the header, Tools.h, in Main.cpp
and build the project
here's one of the error messages I get :

Main.mcp, Target: Release
Link Error   : Main.cpp: 'GetNbGPSMessages()' referenced from
'AppEventLoop()' is undefined.

The fact that Tools.h and Tools.cpp are found in a different directory
(common directory shared
with other projects), can it be the problem. There's no Tools.mcp in that
directory, only Tools.h
and Tools.cpp. During the project building, Tools.cpp is compiled without

In the project windows :
        Main.mcp -> Source folder : Tools.cpp, MathLib.c, Main.cpp
OK. Do you have the "Require Function Prototypes" switch turned on in your C/C++ Language pref panel? I think that your main.cpp code isn't seeing a prototype for GetNbGPSMessages, so its assuming that its a plain function (hence the error message that didn't have function type or argument decoration).

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