Can someone provide with a code snippet to convert the data to float in VB..

----- Original Message -----
From: "Colin Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 9:22 PM
Subject: RE: Retrieving floats

> > > i was successful in connecting to the palm database and retrieving the
> > > records using the ReadNext method..
> > > Using the function ByteArrayToBSTR i was able to retrive the
> > string values..
> > > but then i have problem in retrieving Floating point values from the
> > > ByteArray.
> > >
> >
> >
> > Don't you have a DataInputStream? Call "float value = ((DataInputStream)
> > in).readFloat();"
> > It's all a Java language problem.
> >
> Unless the conduit is written in C++, VB, or anything else that might be
> handy.  I'm actually curious to know if there is a decent solution for
> especially in VB.  I've written several conduits there because it's fairly
> easy, but these annoying data conversion issues come up all the time...
> Thanks,
> Colin
> --
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