At 07:36 2002-12-12 -0800, you wrote:

>  studying the way the OS creator's code works is
> a good way to see why to use a call and how to
> use it properly.

I am sure studying the internal workings of PalmOS
is very educational, but I don't think it should be
the (preferred) way for every developer to learn and
understand why, when, why, and how to use what API
call ;-)
I wasn't saying that you should read the OS code, but instead read the sample apps included with the SDk. The people that produced the original Palm OS were the same people producing the original applications for the device -- they OS and apps grew up side-by-side; when an app needed a feature, they would design it into the OS in a "mostly" general way (don't ask about text labels in tables). This is why the OS works so well for small PIM applications -- that what it was designed to handle.

CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
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