OK, but I'm interested in debugging with JBuilder!!!
That's why  I don't want to launch "manually" the simulator.

"Laurent THALER" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message de news:
> Killerloop a écrit:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I developp application in JAVA with JBuilder and the MobileSet Edition.
> >
> > Everything works well but i want now to developp for the last CLIE
> > under OS 5). As the POSE works with OS3.5, i've looked for an emulator
> > the OS5. Sadly, there is just a simulator for the OS5. And the simulator
> > doesn't know the -run_apps commands!!!
> >
> > How can i do?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> drag'n'drop your prc to the simulator !
> --
> Rien ne me résiste... Je sais tout faire... Et je le fais mieux que tout
> le monde !  Faites comme moi, soyez le meilleur ! :-)
> Laurent THALER
> http://www.thalers.org

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