On Sat, 2003-01-11 at 02:07, Joe Biron wrote:
> So I'm wondering how this simple app will play out as a database. Is it 2
> databases? One for the exercise names and one to track the sets? and would I
> store the record index

You could do it as two databases, or you could put all the records in
one database, and use categories to differentiate between them.

> And one more question - do records need to be of a uniform size? Looking at
> the API it seems that I can put a variable amount of information in a
> record. Is this true? What if I put a variable size array right in a record?
> Can I do that? Obviously I'd need to store the size somewhere in the
> beginning of the record.

Records are simply piles of bits.  They can be variable length.  You
define the functions that are called to sort and access the records, so
its up to you what form they take.

Setting up a comparison callback for the first time is a bit of a pain,
but it gives you a huge amount of flexibility.

> Just trying to get a handle on things (no pun intended). I was a bit
> disappointed with the PalmOS Companion documents. No big-picture overview.
> Can anyone recommend a good resource?

I've gotten a *lot* of help from the O'Reilly book "Palm Programming" by
Neil Rhodes and Julie McKeehan. I've not read the others, so I can't
compare them.


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