On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 18:35:31 -0600, Ben Combee

>At 17:37 2003-1-17 -0500, you wrote:
>>As I am stepping through my application, I get this error in
>>CodeWarrior that says, "Not a directory". Does anybody know what is
>>happening here?
>This is a stretch, but I'm guessing this is a low level error caused by bad 
>debug information -- the debugger is trying to load a source file, and its 
>having a problem.  There is an option in the 68K Linker pref panel called 
>"full path in SYM files" that you might want to turn off.  That will only 
>store the filename, not the whole path to the file, and may be needed, 
>especially if you build a project on one machine, then move it to another 
>where the paths are different.

I guess I could be more detailed. I am using CodeWarrior 7. I am
stepping into a function and instead of showing the source in the
debugger, it shows the dissasembly. When I try to step though or out
of the function I get an error message that says " Not a Directory".
There are other places in the application where I can step into the
function without a problem. 


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