Dear All,

We have developed a Palm PDA app which need to allocate big chucks of memory
in the dynamic heap at run time due to the memo fields in our data tables.
When we are probing the possiblity to yield as much as available dynamic
heap to run our app, we get to know that one of the dynamic heap content,
Application constant data, can be moved from the dynamic heap and stored
with the code segment to save some dynamic heap by turning on some compiler

As quoted from the source, "Most compilers by default generate code to store
things like strings and array initializers with the globals. It is often
possible to either turn on compiler flags so this data is stored with the
code segment, or explicitly move this data to a resource.  Doing either of
these frees up additional dynamic heap."

Can anybody tell us where and how to turn on the sugguested compiler flags
so that the application constant data will be stored with the code segment
instead of occupying our preciouse dynamic heap space? Thank you for any of
your help.

Mengtao Tao
Programmer/Analyst - Mobile Devices Development
L3 Communications/TMA Corporation

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