> > You need to WinSaveBits the screen before changing depth, and
> > WinRestoreBits afterwards.  But the WinSaveBits may fail due to
> > not enough memory.  So in that case you have to post a
> > frmUpdateEvent instead of calling WinRestoreBits.
> I thought that since I am using the Frm functions, they handled saving
> the bits and/or posting the FrmUpdate event automatically (depending
> on whether my form has "Save Behind" checked and available system
> memory) - is this not so?

WinScreenMode is not a Frm function.  :-)

As far as the Frm functions go, if you use them correctly then yes [the
form's initial] FrmDrawForm() saves the bits behind the form, and the
default handler for frmCloseEvent restores the bits or notifies the form
behind it to update itself.

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