i've got a function that does exactly that. i already posted it before, so
if you would have searched a bit you would have found the code to do that...
void NumFormat(Char *strP, double dvalue, short dec){
Char *buf = MemPtrNew(50);
Char *szDec = MemPtrNew(20);
Int32 lpow = pow(10, dec);
Int32 i = (Int32)dvalue;
Int32 d = (dvalue - i) * lpow;

// round the last decimal!
UInt8 tmp = (dvalue*lpow*10) - (i*lpow*10);
if(tmp > 4) d++;

StrIToA(buf, i);

if(d < 0) d *= -1;
StrIToA(szDec, d);
StrCat(buf, ",");
for(i = 0; StrLen(szDec) + i < dec; i++) StrCat(buf, "0");
StrCat(buf, szDec);

StrCopy(strP, buf);

markus dresch (www.palmside.com)

"Régis Daniel de Oliveira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hy!
> How can I format a double value to a string like the example bellow?
> a string like this:
> 200         to     200,00
> 235,1      to     235,10
> 2541       to     2.541,00
> The last one is not very important, but i really need to know how to
> transform the doubles values to string like the examples.
> Thanks!

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