Dear Friends,

Good morning! I am new to the world of Palm development, so please forgive
any crazy questions I may ask.

I presume a number of developers in this forum are well aware of the world
of Web Services. For example, Amazon has a Web Service developers can plug
into to perform searches, retrieve book prices, even purchase an item.

Is there a current method of implementing Web Services (SOAP) under the Palm
OS? If so, any ideas how this is currently done? I also heard that BEA were
working on something: anyone know if this is correct?

If there _isn't_ a method of doing this right now, presumably a library to
encompass this could be written easily?

Thanks for all your help, gang!

Mark, Senior Projects Manager
White Clif Computing Ltd

(this is a repost: I am unsure if first post was issued, please forgive me
if this is a duplicate!)

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