Thanks Gary! It's good to know there are more old-timers around ;-)

"Gary Desrosiers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I share your frustration. It's the same even if your in the states. Palm
> hasn't approved my application for access to their "pavilion" yet either.
> Given that it's developers that make Palm successful (lots of apps), it's
> quite stupid of them to piss em off at step 1.
> I ended up going out and buying a serial cable (USB came with the device)
> and uploaded the ROM image.
> You might want to try the latest POSE because it's supposed to let you
> transfer the ROM over USB. The instructions say to copy the USBPort.dll to
> the POSE install directory. There will be an option enabled after you do
> this to transfer over USB. Although the option was there, it didn't work
> me. I have a different device (older) than yours, however.
> BTW: You mentioned Motorola assembler:
> When I got into Palm programming 6 years ago, I did all my programming in
> Motorola assembler using the ASDK which contained an assembler called
> Darren Massena promoted it back then but I fear it's out of date or just
> gone. Now that I've picked up the Palm again after a 5 year hiatus, I'm
> doing all my programming using GCC and the prc-tools. You can do inline
> assembler using asm() blocks but it's ugly compared to Pila. I guess us
> mainframe programmers are the only ones who want to do assembly anymore.
> was my thing long ago but even IBM writes their OS code using PL/S now,
> assembly.
> Gary
> "WinnonaD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> > Howdy ya'll! I'm new around here and new to handheld
> > computing but an old-timer from the days of
> > mainframees ;-)
> >
> > I just picked up a Palm m130 last week and have been
> > getting to know it.
> >
> > I thought I'd like to write some simple applications
> > and downloaded a trail version of NS Basic. It looks
> > good on the PC (alot like Visual Basic) but I found
> > out the Emulator wont run without skin files (which I
> > found) and ROM images.
> >
> > I subscribed to Palm's Developers program but can't
> > get access to the ROM image files. As I understand it,
> > outside of the USA, Palm must approve membership
> > before the user is granted access to these files. I
> > tried downloading it from the m130 but can't get it to
> > work over the USB cable (I don't have a serial
> > cable.)I search the Net but couldn't find anywhere to
> > download them.
> >
> > Can someone explain to me why these files are such a
> > closely guraded secret?
> >
> > (I started working with computers in 1969. I earned my
> > living as a programmer from the mid-1970s to 1986. I
> > never did learn C :-( but have done some Visual Basic
> > nd lots of Motorola assembler since retiring from
> > programming.)
> >
> > I was trying to do a "match scoring program" for the
> > m130. The easy way seemed to be to creat it in Excel,
> > but the formulas disappear when it's downloaded to the
> > Palm.
> >
> > Since that didn't work, I thought I'd try the NS
> > Basic. Oh well, maybe when Palm opens for business
> > they will approve my application and I'll get access
> > to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] ROM image files!
> >
> > BTW, I couldn't get Outlook Express to setup this
> > newsgroup! I hope these messages appear at
> >!
> > If they don't I hope somebody'll send me an E-mail!
> > ;-)
> >
> > Nice to meet all you guys!
> >
> > Calamity Jane
> > up in the cold northland!
> >
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> >
> >

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