At 00:51 2003-3-9 -0500, you wrote:
And in my event handler, I simply put the line:

throw "test";

But 'catch' never gets the exception.  If I move try/catch pair into the
event handler, then everything is fine.  It's as though FrmDispatchEvent has
it's own exception handler which exits the app before my catch gets a chance
to handle the exception.  Is that the case?

It's obviously not a big deal to put my exception handling inside my event
handlers.  I'm just curious as to what's going on.

CodeWarriors exception handling code relies on tables that get written for each function in your application that indicate what need to be destroyed as the stack is unwound. If you're in a callback, the stack crawl includes Palm OS system code that doesn't have these exception tables. When the unwind code gets to this stack frame, it can't find a table, so it then calls terminate() rather than unwind the stack frames for which it doesn't have information.

CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Palm OS programming help @

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