Probably not very effective and I havn't really worked with lists, but I create an array of the databaserecord-index-numbers that should be displayed in a table, and then simply pick that record when drawing/populating the table. One might be able to use the same method with a list. It might not be the most efficent way but it works well enough for me. It does the task of separates choosing what will be displayed, which is what I will want to work on, from actually displaying it which then is "automatic". I just have to populate the array, and then call "draw it/fill it".

- Veronica

Steve Jerrett wrote:

Actually, this doesn't work. The itemNumber variable refers to the place in the list that the record is to be displayed and it seems to be generated and incremented by the OS as evidenced by the fact that stepping through debugging mode winds up in assembler code between iterations of the draw function. The process of selecting which records to display is external to the itemNumber. That will generate and increment whether the list is drwn with a visible record or not.

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