> Ah.  Just so I'm clear on this -- the database resides in 
> storage space, but
> since I'm loading every value of the database into a graph, then I'm
> effectively creating a copy of the database in dynamic 
> memory, which is very
> limited in size on some devices?

Correct.  Take a look at some of the SDK samples like MemoPad to see how they manage 
to get by with hardly any dynamic heap allocations at all (I seem to recall that 
MemoPad allocates only one chunk out of the storage heap, which is used to hold the 
text of the variable form caption "Memo xx of yy").

> Is dynamic memory faster than storage memory?

It's not faster for reading, but it is faster for writing (since writing to the 
storage heap requires calls to DmWrite and friends).

-- Keith

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