At 9:48 AM -0400 6/27/03, Ted Beisler wrote:
Anybody know if there actually is a speed governor in the emulator and to what extent it tracks the speed? (e.g. does it get down to the level of trying to make cpu instructions take the appropriate number of clock cycles?) Just curious.

There is absolutely no governor in the emulator. It runs flat out as fast as it can.

At 10:38 AM -0400 6/27/03, Dave Lippincott wrote:
While the number of ticks per second is rather reliable in Pose, the sub-systems that do things like access memory and the screen don't seem to be 'regulated'.

While the statement "...ticks per second is rather reliable..." is probably correct, it's probably more accurate to describe the ticks per second as being reliably *wrong*! :-) Any application that nobly queries SysTicksPerSecond() and attempts to throttle its application using that value and SysGetTicks() will run at an unexpected rate. The number of ticks that actually occur in a second depends strongly on the speed of the host PC, and is rarely 100 or whatever SysTicksPerSecond() returns.

-- Keith Rollin
-- Palm OS Emulator engineer

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