I too missed a Brief emulation, so I edit with CodeWright emulating Brief and
compile with CodeWarrior (both CWs at the same time ;) Unlike in the DOS days,
where you most often couldn't open the same file in read-write mode in two
applications, CodeWarrior doesn't complain, it just notices the source file was
modified outside its editor and offers to re-load it. However, on a few
occasions, modifying a source file in CodeWarrior (like when fixing compile
errors) would truncate its end back into CodeWright.

Luc Le Blanc

Paul Johnson a écrit :

> W00t !  :)  Can you purlease look at brief emulation too please, pretty
> please, at least as far as key bindings go. This is a major-league issue for
> us old hackers. Brief goes back to the dark days of dos but was so wickedly
> ace that practically everyone of that age hates living without it even now
> (DevStudio doesn't do 100% either, but at least column cut n paste works!).
> Newer guys who've not had the pleasure of Brief only don't complain coz they
> never had chance to try it!  :)

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