At 12:07 PM 8/4/2003, Dinho wrote:
Thanks all,

I was about to buy a tungsten T but I heard it will be discontinued. what about sony clie or Tungsten C?

The original Tungsten T is end-of-life and out of production. The Tungsten T2 has replaced it. The T|C is a very nice device, especially if you're doing network programming and have a 802.11b wireless access point. The extra memory can help with debug builds of your applications. You won't be able to test apps using the graffiti area, however.

Palm OS developers tend to accumulate a lot of devices... I've got four devices in active use (T|T, T|C, Zire 71, Treo 300) and another set ready to be used for testing (CLIE T615C, Visor Prism, CLIE NX70V, Palm VIIx, HandEra 330, Palm IIIc, Palm IIIxe, Palm IIIe, Palm III, PalmPilot Professional, Pilot 5000), and I've got access to a i705, m500, m505, m125, CLIE S300, Visor Deluxe, Treo 270, and more.

CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
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