Have you guys figured out how to get par to print out ascii value
of a pdb stored Int?

par is not designed to do that. par is simply a packer and unpacker of database records. With the records unpacked there are many tools that can give you an ascii dump of a file. For example, you could use od:

 par x foo.pdb -f record.pdr 0 # extract first record to record.pdr
 od -xc record.pdr

I've packed my records, as follows:
typedef struct
     UInt32 *orderQty;
     Char key[1];
} PackedOnOrder;

But my Int values aren't translated to ascii? They are dumped out
as '...' or something similar.

They are dumped as '...' when you use the list option, which is nothing more than a simple audit function. You should use extract to really get at your record data.


Ben Combee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: cc: (bcc: Nole Mailey/pmc) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Similar Utility to palmdump palmos.com 08/06/2003 01:07 PM Please respond to "Palm Developer Forum"

At 09:59 AM 8/6/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey all...

Anyone have any fancy-smancy UNIX utilities that dump out ONLY the
records from a pdb? As in, without header info and all that fun stuff...

par can be used to do that.


CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
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