Thanks, i found the dump-db utility, work rigth with PDB files created by the
other utility but even crash with the PDB created in the PALM,i think what the
error found in the creation of the PDB, when i write some registers the size is:
typedef struct  {
                 unsigned long  norden;  //codigo-Vendedor + norden
                 unsigned long  cantitems; //Cantidad de items
                 unsigned long  clie;   //Vend
                 Char           cantidad[8]; //Cantidad pedida
                 Char           precio[8]; //Precio
                 Char           codigo[15];//Codigo producto
                } ItemOrdReg;
and when write one record field or other:

        DmStrCopy(s,offsetof(ItemOrdReg,codigo), item.codigo);
write only the text and the rest of space reserved for the field is garbage!
. . . . . . . .    //Write the integer values
. . 0 . 2 5 0 .    //the "integer" values in string
. . . . 4 0 . .
. . . . D I A C    //The codigo field "DIACAN17" with garbage at end
A N 1 7 . s y s
. ( . . . .

i think what erasing the garbage of the string fields, solve the problem

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: "drvirens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 14:22:07 -0000
Subject: Fw: Re: How know  the name fields of PDB file

Hi there,

Hmmm. So you are using third-party tool for conversions. As Thomas
said in his reply, the names could be stored in header part of the
PDB. You may like to ask it to the implementers of the tool or crack
it out yourself.

I remember, in my ealrier days in Palm, when my company had decided
to go for AppForge, we could not cope up with its database tools. The
APpForge, it was noticed then ( dunno the current case ), used to
dump too much of proprietary info after the database header ( i.e.
after the first 78 bytes in pdb ). And our palm-reader ( in-house
developed utility ) was going for a toss sicne it was assuming that
what would follow after 78 bytes would be really a record header ( b-
bytes)...however, things used to fall apart thanks to AppForge


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