> I have design an timing critical application that having a time bar dropping
> every 250ms, so I used
> EvtGetEvent(&event, SysTicksPerSecond() / 4)
> at my EventLoop routine and handled the dropping of time bar at nilEvent, it
> works fine on PalmOS 3.x and 4.x, but having problem on Zire 71, the time
> bar drops very fast. Please help!

tony, you cannot rely on this.

EvtGetEvent() uses the second parameter to say:

  "well, if nothing happened by this time, send me a nilEvent"

there are many circumstances where the OS/3rd party applications can
force extra nilEvents to happen, you need to get smart about this
and use something like:

myTimeOutMax = SysTicksPerSecond() / 4;
myTimeOut    = 1;
myTimeA      = TimGetTicks()
   EvtGetEvent(&event, myTimeOut)
   myTimeB = TimGetTicks();

   if (event.eType == nilEvent)
     if ((myTimeB - myTimeA) > myTimeOutMax)
       myTimeA = TimGetTicks();

       // handle nil event

   myTimeOut = (myTimeOutMax - (myTimeB - myTimeA));
   if (myTimeOut < 0) myTimeOut = 0;

NOTE: this is tested code (i have it in every one of my games), its 
      just i typed it in from memory just as i woke up (ie: now), 
      the concept is there - figure it out.

Aaron Ardiri                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CEO - CTO                                           +46 70 656 1143
Mobile Wizardry                      http://www.mobilewizardry.com/

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