Hi all,

Sorry for the vague subject line of this post, but I don't really know a
possible route cause to provide a more detailed description.

I have an database app which has been in use for over 2 years.. It's a 210K
.prc file with it's project files broken up in 5 segments and is using the
'large' model in Code Warrior 9.1

For some strange reason, things don't work on OS5 like they do on all other
OS prior versions.

I have a global DBOpenRef which is used throughout the app to look at
records in the db.. Once function iterates through the records and tallies
up a certain field in each record..  On OS 4.1 and below all works just fine
and even watching it in debug mode yields no sign of weird behavior.

However, when run on a OS 5 device or the simulator things get really
freaky.  For some reason, after the first record is created in the db, any
subsequent call to DmNumRecords returns 1. even if there is like 30 or 40
actual records in there.

I am certain that the code is all OK so my only guess is how the project is
being compiled or how OS 5 devices allocate memory or something.

One hunch I have on this problem is the DBOpenRef global.. I have all the
globals declared in a single .h file and have the IDE setup to color syntax
all globals in orange, but for whatever reason, all the values in the
globals.h file don't get tagged as globals. Instead only variables declard
at the top of a single file are colored in orange.
I'm wondering if this may have to do with something regarding the globals
and how they are allocated in OS 5. Of course the project compiles just

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this strange behavior??

Thanks so much for any help


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