i have a problem. I am highly confused.
Now my problem is that in my application the
language used for development is English i.e i set the
labels and any text related things in english,
if i want to do the same in turkish language is there
any way to do it?

Yes, but it's not easy. You'd need to implement support for Windows code page 1254, which contains all of the characters required to write Turkish such as the dotless i, g with breve, etc. This means either patching the OS or creating a locale module, in addition to making the bitmap fonts that you'll need. The patches or locale module tables would need to implement proper sorting, searching, text wrapping & selection, transliteration, etc. for Turkish.

All in all, not an easy task. Or you could get the Turkish PiLoc from Paragon <http://turkish.palm.penreader.com/Turkish_PiLoc.html> which probably does much of the above for you. So then you' just worry about how to deal with the localization aspect - I'd look at adding support for this code page to PilRC, if that hasn't already been done.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
+1 530-265-2225

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