My application performs a stylus-controlled map pan by moving most of
the screen window using WinCopyRectangle in winPaint mode. Things work
fine except on a Palm IIIc (real device or POSE, with debug/non-debug
ROM), where panning downward or rightward often crashes with the
following error message:

Application just read from memory location 0x1EFFFFFE, causing a bus
A "bus error" means that the application accessed a memory location that
is not in RAM or ROM, nor corresponds to a memory-mapped hardware

Here is the stack crawl from the CW debugger:

0x10C55E52( WinCopyRectangle )
0x10C4E0D2( BltCopyRectangle )
0x10C4E0D2( BltCopyRectangle )
0x10C51E32( PrvMisAlignedBackwardInnerBitBltç )

Is there any pre-processing I can perform or any other alternative I can
use to let the user pan in continuous mode (dragging the stylus) without

Luc Le Blanc

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