Hi, I've searched the board but I can't find out how to turn off game sound. Basically, there are only two functions that are related:

(1) void SndSetDefaultVolume (UInt16 *alarmAmpP, UInt16 *sysAmpP, UInt16 *masterAmpP)

This function only have three parameters : alarm amplitude, system amplitudeand master amplitude. Does anyone knows what is master amplitude for? I tried setting it to 0 but it doesn't effect any sounds at all (including game sound).

(2) UInt32 PrefGetPreference (SystemPreferencesChoice choice)

This functions allow setting of game sound level (prefGameSoundLevelV20) but it is not effective until reset.

So, does anyone knows how else I can turn off game sound? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

York Kie

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