I made a simple function to get the plams erial number.. it works fine on a m515
but on zire 71, m125 and prob others it dosen't work
insteade of the serial number i get a ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ the number of ÿ is equal to the number of digits in the serial number. 12 digits.
whats is worng? hw can i get the serial of ever palm?

i'm just doing this:

CharPtr bufP;
UInt16 sizeP;
Err errP;

bufP = NULL;
errP = SysGetROMToken (0, sysROMTokenSnum,&bufP, &sizeP);

oh, by the way, how can i read old messagens of thsi list? since ou egroups in yahoo the msgs are not stored anymore.

thnx a lot

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