Depends a lot on what GetFieldText() is doing. Chances are you're not allocating memory to hold the name and ID and just returning a temporary pointer that becomes invalid.


John Lai wrote:

For simplicity, the following is to get the name from form 1 and get the id from form 2.


typedef struct {
char *name;
char *id;
} StudentRecordType;

extern StudentRecordType std; //declare std as a global variable


StudentRecordType std; //define std

void fun1(void)
char *name = GetFieldText(Form1NameField); //this function can return the user input value = name;

FrmGotoForm(Form2Form); //go to form 2


void fun2(void)
char *id = GetFieldText(Form1IDField); //this function can return the user input value = id;

//when debugging, I found, name pointer points to anywhere, not the original value.
//write std to DB here

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