Ok, I found myself looking at "Near Data segment bigger than 64K" and thinking what to do... First I noticed that "PC Relative constant data" was turned off so all my const structures were in fact in the data segment. Checked that and resolved a couple of millions Invalid 32bit reference to some structure, etc by rearranging some code. That's ok. However I left the biggest (around 23K) structure to be made const last. It was defined and filled in a .H file and when I made it "const" I've got this 32bit reference again. So I moved it to a C file and put togather in the segment with function it was accessed from and... surprise - I've got linker error That this structure is undefined. It's strange because it's defined, included in the project, have an extern prototype... like the others, but this one fires an linker error. So I have 3 questions:
1. Is this something stupid and have anybody faced such a problem?
2. Is this a common linker bug that's supposed to be resolved somewhere in the future
3. Does the size matter? :))

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