On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 11:00:53 +0200, "dilek.ozgu"

>double xx;
> xx = 816 / 10 => 81.5999999 ?????????? 
>it must be 81.60 what is the solution? 

Even though 81.60 is expressible exactly using a finite number of
decimal places, it is not expressible in binary using a finite number
of binary fractional bits.  So any "float" or "double" representation
of this number is bound to be an approximation.  The only question is
then what form that number will take when it is formatted back into
decimal form with a finite number of decimal places.  If the
formatting rountine you are using is any good, it will correctly round
off to the nearest decimal number, given the number of decimal places
you requested.  If you request a small enough number of decimal places
(so as not to tax the resolution of the double representation too
much), then you should get 81.6000000.  Floats have a resolution of
about 7 decimal digits.  Doubles, if they use the 8-byte format, have
about twice that.  There is an option in CodeWarrior where you can
choose whether "double" uses 8 bytes, or is equivalent to "float" and
uses only 4 bytes.  If you have chosen the 4-byte doubles, then it is
entirely possible that 816.0/10.0 would round off to 81.5999999.  But
if you have chosen 8-byte doubles, and if all relevant calculations
are carried out in doubles, and if your formatting routine rounds
correctly, then I would expect the %10.7f format version of this
number to be 81.6000000.

Robert Scott, Ypsilanti, MI
(reply through this forum, not by e-mailing me directly)

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