Seems like linker chap is not able to find the
"compiled" code for PINSetInputAreaState() funtion.

Most common reason for this is not setting the path.
Please set the path for the same and try again. (Dont
remember now but guess the path-setting is there in
the project settings (in CW) somewhere!)



I'm trying to work with the Pen Input Manager
functions, and I can't seem to
get any of them to work.  I'm guessing the linker
can't find the library,
but I'm sure I downloaded it and installed it as the
example program
"SampleCollapse.mcp" works fine and I see no
difference between the code in
there and my code.  I'm out of ideas.  Anyone know
what the problem could
be?  Many thanks.

Link Error: collapse.c:  'PINSetInputAreaState'
referenced from
'collapseSetMode' is undefined


#include <Window.h>
#include <PenInputMgr.h>
Boolean collapseSetMode(UInt16 orientation) {
    error = PINSetInputAreaState(pinInputAreaClosed);

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There is nothing happy or sad,
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