I'm not sure if this is the right answer to you, but I had a somewhat
similar problem last nigh: The Palm 68K Linker target does not have a proper
file mapping for .rsrc files. As you may know, Palm 68K Linker works
entirely on .rcp/.ro files, whereas Mac 68K Linker uses .rsrc. Now you have
two targets and each uses a different linker, that means unless you do
something fancy, the .rsrc files won't be recognized by the Palm Linker
project. When I say "something fancy", it means you have to convert .rsrc to
.rcp, then compile it to .ro, then the Palm Linker can recognize it. There
is a section called "Working with Resources" in CodeWarrior's online help
that has step-by-step instruction on how to add .rsrc files to Palm Linke

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