I had a problem using Char * globals. But then I just changed them to Char[]
and it worked fine. So if you have Char * globals you might try this. :)

"Alexandre Luz Barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> i need to call a small app form my big app
> send some parameters and then returning back to the posion i called the
> small app form the big one
> i´m doing a sysAppLaunch call passing sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch
> but i get a fatal exeption in my small app
> when i run it withou beeing called from the big app lit runs fine
> i remeber something about globas in nomallaunch
> i have too globals that its hard to change then
> is that the problem?
> if so, how can i use the globals?
> thnx

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