sorry but the program working perfectly , no need  change to my program, the
problem not is the struct ,i paste wrong
I have 2 struct , the reason was that, "">A Char * is not a string in the
same s.....bla bla.",
the problem was ...... never mind I repair mi code,  = :o)
I continue my working
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > I have a problem,
> >
> Your basic problem is a lack of C skill.  Programming
> Palm OS, in many ways, requires skills that left
> common use fifteen years ago (it's certainly been
> that long since I was paid to write C code on any
> other platform).  It's worth finding a good book
> on C programming and reading the section on strings
> carefully.
> Or, perhaps better, walk away from C and use one
> of the higher level languages such as AppForge,
> NSBasic or Java.  There are also tools targetted
> at specific types of applications.
> The detail that has led me to this conclusion are:
> > typedef struct PacienteStruc
> > {
> >  Char *Nombre ;
> A Char * is not a string in the same sense as
> VB or Java Strings.  A Char * is a pointer to a
> the start of a string in the same way that an int *
> is a pointer to an integer.
> The structure you've defined has no space in it to
> store strings.  If each member was defined as
> Char Nombre[NOMBRESIZE];, for instance, then it
> _would_ have space to store a string.
> >    newRecord.Nombre = "Bill";
> This sets your pointer to a constant stored in the
> application.  This doesn't copy anything anywhere
> and definitely won't store that name in the database
> record.  You need to read about StrNCopy, StrNCat,
> StrLen and the like.
> Chris
> Tutty
> ------------------------------------------------
> This message was sent using InSPire Net Webmail.

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