>> > My application is developed in Satellite Forms v5.2, but I would like
>> > to try to get the "Palm Powered" logo certification.  According to the
>> > certification requirements, all debug options must be turned ON during
>> > emulator/simulator testing of our app.  However, Satellite Forms
>> > requires that all debug options be turned OFF in order to run in the
>> > emulator (because of OS calls, I guess) without crashing.
>> >
>> > So...  can a Satellite Forms-developed app be certified under this
>> > program??  Has anyone done this? Do you need a special exemption??
>> >
>> >
>> I would hope that you can't get an exemption. If Satellite Forms is not
>> stable enough to be run with all the debug options, then it and
>> anything created with it, should not qualify for the certification. The
>> certification has been designed, as far as I understand it, to say that
>> the applications run reasonably well and don't suffer from crashing
>> issues.
>> I'd recommend trying to get Satellite Forms to fix their application so
>> that it can pass certification or write your application from scratch
>> so that you don't rely on someone's unstable application.
>> (I've never used Satellite Forms, but I'd be very afraid of any
>> application that can't run in the emulator with all debug flags turned
>> on.)
>It is not that simple.
>The philosophy of RAD tools is to keep the programmer away from low level
>details, such as memory allocation, or packing strings into database
>records, or dealing with subtle differences between OS versions, and so on.
>This is usually done through a runtime library, which behaves as a "layer"
>that translates what the programmer wants into low level Palm OS calls,
>and/or that provides helper functions.
>The problem is that it is almost impossible to write an efficient runtime
>library for Palm OS without either calling system use only functions (such
>as MemChunkNew) or either poking internal OS structures on 68k devices
>(fortunately, OS 5 provides enough functions to make this unecessary on ARM
>devices). Both triggers warnings when running with all options on.
>Another problem is that the emulator/simulator tends to be very suspicious.
>For example, a RAD tool may provide some sort of exception mechanism. To
>implement this, you have to write assembler code that crawls the stack up
>until it finds a handler for the exception. Unfortunately, reading and
>writing values from a stack frame which is not the "officially active" stack
>frame sometimes triggers an "illegal memory access" if all options are
>turned on.
>And there are many other examples.
>IMHO, the palm powered logo should take the development tool into account,
>or it will dramatically restrict the number of applications that can pass
>this certification... As far as I know, *all* RAD tools raise errors on
>POSE, and I don't think such tools are that bad...

I can't agree.

Originally, NS Basic had the same problem.  We worked at it a bit and
cleaned it up. In most cases it was simply sloppy programming. An NS
Basic program should now be able to pass certification.  A side benefit
is that we can now use these messages as a debugging tool during our own

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