On Monday 01 March 2004 20:48, you wrote:
> At 10:18 AM +0000 2/28/04, Ralf Zimmermann wrote:
> >2) The installation of PODS has changed the path of /PalmDev inside
> >the cygwin console from (in my case)
> >      D:\PalmDev\
> >    to
> >      C:\Program Files\PalmSource\Palm OS Developer Suite\
> >    You might want to change this.
> It appears that you have previously existing SDKs in D:\PalmDev\, and
> you've installed new SDKs at C:\Program Files\PalmSource\Palm OS
> Developer Suite\.  The installer had to point to one of them, and it
> chose the SDKs you just installed.
> What would you prefer to see happening?  Should the installer detect
> that /PalmDev exists and install the new SDKs there?

I was not complaining at all. In fact I was astonished, that the installation of PODS 
was this easy with cygwin already on my Windows machine....
The only thing to improve might be to provide some more documentation for the 
developers who already have a cygwin installation and do not want to remove that prior 
to installing PODS. All these warnings about destroing an existing cygwin should not 
be necessary.
On my Windows machine PODS is just working fine.

But of course, I am still working on my PODS installation on Linux. But this is a 
totally different story...


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