Thanks for the reply.

I have looked at Bitmap.h, that is where I got most of my information. :o)
However v2 and v3 both have commented out references to the indirect flag,
in looking at the bitmap.h code both v2 and v3 have the following in there

 // if (flags.hasColorTable)
 //   ColorTableType colorTable   // color table, could have 0 entries (2
bytes long)
 // if (flags.directColor)
 //   BitmapDirectInfoType directInfo;
 // if (flags.indirect)
 //   void*   bitsP;       // pointer to actual bits
 // else
 //    UInt8   bits[];      // or actual bits

See... the problem is that I have written a palm bitmap reader on the
desktop and it reads the PRC tBmp resources directly and it displays the v1,
v2 and v3 bitmaps correctly... but it does not display v3 bitmap where
flags.indirect = true, the scan lines are all scrambled...

any ideas?


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi!
> > I read in the documentation about v3 bitmaps and the DirectColor flag...
> > which we should use the BitmapDriectColorInfoType... but it does not
> > how to use it... does the data in this structure replace the norm bitmap
> > data pointer, if not then where is the data located (after the bitmap
> > and yes (use in place of bitmpa data), then how do we read it?
> >
> BitmapDirectColorInfoType is used in v2 bitmaps. In v3 bitmaps it is
> replaced by the "transparentValue" field. They are not compatible.
> BitmapDirectColorInfoType has the transparent color encoded as 8 bit
> RGB values, whereas transparentValue has it encoded according to the
> pixel format (565). Look at Bitmaps.h from the SDK to see the proper
> order of all the optional information in the various bitmap versions.
> Tilo

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